Caleb Zane Huett

Caleb is a children’s book author (Top Elf, Overwatch: Updated Official World Guide), podcast host (You’re Too Show about Sonic the Hedgehog, Every Day’s Great about the Persona games), and tabletop game designer! He specializes in rules-light play, big wide worldbuilding, comedy, and feel-good stories with complicated character relationships. (Also parentheticals.)

He regularly tours to speak to schools all over the country, and cares especially about kids’ access to stories they control.

Know a kid who’d love roleplaying? Sign them up for his Young Adventurers series!

Want to join a caravan traveling through a magical world? Sign up for Let’s Go on a Journey! Caleb teaches Ryuutama, a JRPG-inspired game billed as “Miyazaki’s Oregon Trail.”

Love to try new games? The Playtest Playground is a bi-weekly group that meets to try something new, unusual, and indie!

Caleb’s favorite games: Ryuutama, Dungeon World, Dungeons and Dragons: Fifth Edition, Mouse Guard, Tales From The Loop, Anything With Cool Monsters, Every Indie Game

Book Caleb for private games by emailing Caleb@WeRun.Games

the face of a man who loves collecting monsters

the face of a man who loves collecting monsters